Supplementary Information for:
Making the News:
Politics, the Media and Agenda Setting
This page contains: the codebook and dataset used to analyze the New York Times front page, 1996-2006; files for all tables and figures in the book (with *.xlsx files containing data behind the figures); datasets used in the book’s analyses (usually in Stata *.dta format) as well as command files used to create these analyses (*.do files); the simulation files from Chapter 7; and other supplementary information.
Questions? Feel free to email: aboydstun [at] ucdavis [dot] edu
✦Codebook for dataset of New York Times front-page stories (Policy Agendas Topics Codebook with addendums for coding news stories) (.pdf)
✦Dataset of New York Times front-page stories (coded by topic and sub-topic, including title and summary of each story) (.csv)
Provided below are files for all tables and figures from the book, ordered by chapter. For figures, the *.pdf files are provided along with the *.xlsx files containing the data behind these figures where applicable. The tables are provided in *.pdf files. All table and figure files can be downloaded at once using the compressed archive below.
✦Compressed archive with all table and figure files (.zip)
Chapter 2
✦Figure 2.1. Different Natural Disasters, Different Levels of Coverage (.pdf, .xlsx)
Chapter 3
✦Table 3.1. A Typology of News-Generation Modes (.pdf)
Chapter 4
✦Figure 4.1. Daily number of Times front-page stories, 1996–2006 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.2. Size of the Times front-page agenda by year, 1996–2006 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.3a. Times front-page attention, 1996–2006, in pie chart format (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.3b. Times front-page attention, 1996–2006, in column format (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.4. Times front-page attention by subtopic, 1996–2006 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.5. The Times front page compared to other policy agendas, 1996–2006 (.pdf, .xlsx, and with Congressional Bills: .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.6. The Times front page vs. full paper, 1996–2005 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.7. Times front-page topic attention by year, 1996–2006 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.8. Times front-page topic attention by month, April 2001–March 2002 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.9. Times front-page topic attention by week, January–March 2002 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.10. Times front-page attention to individual subtopics, 1996–2006 (.pdf, .xlsx)
Chapter 5
✦Table 5.1. The relationship between the proportion and the log odds of attention (.pdf)
✦Table 5.2. Example of diversity of discussion: when discussion of a policy topic debate expands, diversity increases (.pdf)
✦Table 5.3. Example of congestion: when a mega storyline like 9/11 hits the agenda, congestion increases (.pdf)
✦Table 5.4. Results from pooled cross-sectional time series models of Times front-page attention (.pdf)
✦Figure 5.1. The change in front-page attention produced by one standard deviation change in each explanatory variable ( .pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 5.2. The varying effects of each explanatory variable on front-page attention across all policy topics (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 5.3. The varying effects of each explanatory variable on front-page attention across domestic policy topics (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 5.4. The varying effects of each explanatory variable on front-page attention across international policy topics (.pdf, .xlsx)
Chapter 6
✦Table 6.1. Results from ARIMA models of number of sampled New York Times front-page and Wall Street Journal stories on the war on terror (.pdf)
✦Table 6.2. Results from ARIMA models of number of New York Times Index abstracts on the death penalty (.pdf)
✦Figure 6.1. News coverage of the war on terror, and key correlates, September 2001–December 2006 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 6.2. News coverage of the death penalty, and key correlates, 1960–2005 (.pdf, .xlsx)
Chapter 7
The figures for Chapter 7 were created in Stata using the *.do files (see below) and so only appear in *.pdf form
✦Table 7.1. A comparison of skew across major topics by institutional agenda (.pdf)
✦Table 7.2. It takes positive feedback to produce skewed attention (.pdf)
✦Figure 7.1. Histogram of major topic change on the front-page agenda, by month, 1996–2006 (.pdf)
✦Figure 7.2. Example run from Condition A simulation: cumulative issue attention driven by random events (plus error) (.pdf)
✦Figure 7.3. Example run from Condition B simulation: cumulative issue attention driven by negative feedback and random events (plus error) (.pdf)
✦Figure 7.4. Example run from Condition C simulation: cumulative issue attention driven by positive feedback, negative feedback, and random events (plus error) (.pdf)
Chapter 8
✦Table 8.1. Story frequencies across media types, 1996–2006 (.pdf)
✦Figure 8.1. Skew across issues, by media type, 1996–2006 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 8.2. Explosive change, by media type, 1996–2006 (.pdf, .xlsx)
Chapter 9
✦Table 9.1. The effects of media attention on policymaker activity and public concern (.pdf)
✦Figure 9.1. The political effects of front-page coverage (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Table A.1. Times front-page attention by topic, 1996–2006, with monthly summary statistics (.pdf)
✦Table A.2. Descriptive statistics for chapter 5 models (.pdf)
✦Table A.3. Descriptive statistics for chapter 6 models (.pdf)
✦Figure A.1. Times front-page attention using different topic categorizations (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure A.2. Times front-page attention before and after 9/11 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Readme document containing sequential list of Stata .do and .dta files used for analyses (.pdf)
✦Compressed archive of all do files used in analyses (.zip)
✦Compressed archive of all input datasets used for analyses as well as main .dta files produced
✦R syntax used for simulation (.R)
✦French highway dataset for simulation (.csv)
✦Swiss suicide dataset for simulation (.csv)
✦Additional details about simulation parameters (.pdf)
✦Measures of skew for Chapters 5-8 (.pdf)
✦Modeling considerations for Chapter 5 (.pdf)
Questions? Feel free to email: aboydstun [at] ucdavis [dot] edu
✦Codebook for dataset of New York Times front-page stories (Policy Agendas Topics Codebook with addendums for coding news stories) (.pdf)
✦Dataset of New York Times front-page stories (coded by topic and sub-topic, including title and summary of each story) (.csv)
Provided below are files for all tables and figures from the book, ordered by chapter. For figures, the *.pdf files are provided along with the *.xlsx files containing the data behind these figures where applicable. The tables are provided in *.pdf files. All table and figure files can be downloaded at once using the compressed archive below.
✦Compressed archive with all table and figure files (.zip)
Chapter 2
✦Figure 2.1. Different Natural Disasters, Different Levels of Coverage (.pdf, .xlsx)
Chapter 3
✦Table 3.1. A Typology of News-Generation Modes (.pdf)
Chapter 4
✦Figure 4.1. Daily number of Times front-page stories, 1996–2006 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.2. Size of the Times front-page agenda by year, 1996–2006 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.3a. Times front-page attention, 1996–2006, in pie chart format (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.3b. Times front-page attention, 1996–2006, in column format (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.4. Times front-page attention by subtopic, 1996–2006 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.5. The Times front page compared to other policy agendas, 1996–2006 (.pdf, .xlsx, and with Congressional Bills: .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.6. The Times front page vs. full paper, 1996–2005 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.7. Times front-page topic attention by year, 1996–2006 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.8. Times front-page topic attention by month, April 2001–March 2002 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.9. Times front-page topic attention by week, January–March 2002 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 4.10. Times front-page attention to individual subtopics, 1996–2006 (.pdf, .xlsx)
Chapter 5
✦Table 5.1. The relationship between the proportion and the log odds of attention (.pdf)
✦Table 5.2. Example of diversity of discussion: when discussion of a policy topic debate expands, diversity increases (.pdf)
✦Table 5.3. Example of congestion: when a mega storyline like 9/11 hits the agenda, congestion increases (.pdf)
✦Table 5.4. Results from pooled cross-sectional time series models of Times front-page attention (.pdf)
✦Figure 5.1. The change in front-page attention produced by one standard deviation change in each explanatory variable ( .pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 5.2. The varying effects of each explanatory variable on front-page attention across all policy topics (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 5.3. The varying effects of each explanatory variable on front-page attention across domestic policy topics (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 5.4. The varying effects of each explanatory variable on front-page attention across international policy topics (.pdf, .xlsx)
Chapter 6
✦Table 6.1. Results from ARIMA models of number of sampled New York Times front-page and Wall Street Journal stories on the war on terror (.pdf)
✦Table 6.2. Results from ARIMA models of number of New York Times Index abstracts on the death penalty (.pdf)
✦Figure 6.1. News coverage of the war on terror, and key correlates, September 2001–December 2006 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 6.2. News coverage of the death penalty, and key correlates, 1960–2005 (.pdf, .xlsx)
Chapter 7
The figures for Chapter 7 were created in Stata using the *.do files (see below) and so only appear in *.pdf form
✦Table 7.1. A comparison of skew across major topics by institutional agenda (.pdf)
✦Table 7.2. It takes positive feedback to produce skewed attention (.pdf)
✦Figure 7.1. Histogram of major topic change on the front-page agenda, by month, 1996–2006 (.pdf)
✦Figure 7.2. Example run from Condition A simulation: cumulative issue attention driven by random events (plus error) (.pdf)
✦Figure 7.3. Example run from Condition B simulation: cumulative issue attention driven by negative feedback and random events (plus error) (.pdf)
✦Figure 7.4. Example run from Condition C simulation: cumulative issue attention driven by positive feedback, negative feedback, and random events (plus error) (.pdf)
Chapter 8
✦Table 8.1. Story frequencies across media types, 1996–2006 (.pdf)
✦Figure 8.1. Skew across issues, by media type, 1996–2006 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure 8.2. Explosive change, by media type, 1996–2006 (.pdf, .xlsx)
Chapter 9
✦Table 9.1. The effects of media attention on policymaker activity and public concern (.pdf)
✦Figure 9.1. The political effects of front-page coverage (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Table A.1. Times front-page attention by topic, 1996–2006, with monthly summary statistics (.pdf)
✦Table A.2. Descriptive statistics for chapter 5 models (.pdf)
✦Table A.3. Descriptive statistics for chapter 6 models (.pdf)
✦Figure A.1. Times front-page attention using different topic categorizations (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Figure A.2. Times front-page attention before and after 9/11 (.pdf, .xlsx)
✦Readme document containing sequential list of Stata .do and .dta files used for analyses (.pdf)
✦Compressed archive of all do files used in analyses (.zip)
✦Compressed archive of all input datasets used for analyses as well as main .dta files produced
✦R syntax used for simulation (.R)
✦French highway dataset for simulation (.csv)
✦Swiss suicide dataset for simulation (.csv)
✦Additional details about simulation parameters (.pdf)
✦Measures of skew for Chapters 5-8 (.pdf)
✦Modeling considerations for Chapter 5 (.pdf)